How Do I Find the Right Therapist for Me - Therapy San Diego
Finding the right therapist can be stressful. You want someone who’s going to be understanding and supportive in your therapy. But you also don’t want to spend every therapy session talking about your childhood. You’re looking for someone good who can help you work through your problems and mental health. But you also want someone appropriate who will respect your boundaries.
Finding the right therapist can be a challenging process, but it doesn’t have to be.
At Perlman Wellness, there are many good types of therapists to treat your stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. All of our therapists are friendly, caring, and knowledgeable about what they’re doing. We look forward to helping you feel better!
How do I find the right Therapist for me?
“In therapy, I have learned the importance of keeping spiritual life and professional life balanced. I need to regain my balance.” – Tiger Woods
If you have ever been in therapy, you know it’s one of the most intimate and personal relationships a person can have with a therapist. You’re opening up to someone who is not only going to listen but also guide you through your problems, whether they be emotional or situational. The therapist-client relationship is one that requires trust and honesty, so when choosing a therapist, it’s important to think about what kind of person (therapist) will best serve your therapy needs and fit into your life.
1. Decide what is important to you
The first step in finding the right therapist is to decide what is important to you and your mental health when considering a therapist. What are your priorities? Do you want the right therapist who can help you with all of your issues with therapy or just one specific issue? How far away from home do you have to go for that person to be acceptable? Is having a therapist who speaks your language important or not so much during therapy? These questions all play into how difficult or easy it will be for you to find a good therapist.
For example, if there aren’t many bilingual therapists around where I live, my options would be limited if speaking English was a priority for me. On the other hand, if therapy costs were really important—and it is often more expensive to see a private therapist than talk with someone at an organization like Counseling Center—then I would need to look harder and work harder at finding a good therapist who would fit my budget as well as meet my needs otherwise.
Remember: It’s okay and often recommended that we take our time making this important and right decision!
2. Check to see if they have a license
Check to see if the therapist has a therapy license. If you want to see if your potential therapist is licensed, check with the licensing board in the state where he or she practices therapy. It’s also helpful to look at their therapy website and view if there are any credentials listed on their site. You can also ask the therapist directly about this information—it shouldn’t be something that makes you uncomfortable asking about or researching.
3. Ask questions
When you’re getting to know your therapist, it’s important to ask questions from the therapist. These are some things you can ask:
Ask about their therapy experience as therapist. How long have they been practising therapy? Are they licensed, mental health therapists? Do they have any professional therapy training or certifications in counselling, psychiatry, psychology or other mental health fields? If you don’t feel comfortable asking these kinds of right questions directly, there are ways that might be more comfortable for you—like writing them down on a piece of paper and giving it to your therapist with your permission to look at them when she has time before meeting with you.
Ask about their approach to therapy. What therapy style do they use? Does the therapist work primarily with individuals or couples/families? What kind of therapy treatments does she recommend if medication is part of the treatment plan? Are there certain types of patients that she thinks would not be good candidates for her practice style; if so, why not?
Ask about their training and mental health therapy experience working with many issues such as PTSD from trauma situations such as combat zones or natural disasters like hurricanes/tsunamis etc., eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa; addictions such as drugs alcohol gambling sex pornography cybersex pornography, etc.; domestic violence sexual assault rape sexual harassment bullying peer pressure workplace bullying religious discrimination.
4. Consider the therapist’s style of therapy
What type of therapy and techniques is the therapist a proponent of? If you are looking for a mental health therapist to help you work through anxiety, a therapist who specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure Response Prevention might be your best bet. However, if you’re dealing with depression or substance abuse issues, Dialectical Behavior Therapy or Motivational counselling may be more effective. In addition to considering their specific style of mental health therapy, it’s also important to consider how the right therapist will help you understand your needs and goals as well as how they choose therapy strategies and techniques for meeting these goals and good mental health.
5. Make sure insurance covers them
A good and right therapist is worth their weight in gold. It’s not just about the mental health therapy time you spend with them, it’s also about how they help you grow and improve your life and health to make yourself a better person. However, finding the right and good mental health professionals can be difficult. Here are a few tips on how to find one treatment that works best for you:
Check your insurance company: Most insurance companies cover mental health therapy sessions. If your new employer covers therapy sessions, talk with them about what kind of coverage they offer.
Ask friends and family members who they recommend and why: If someone has had success with a good therapist or psychologist’s office, ask them why they liked their mental health services so much! People who have been through similar experiences will often know which therapists and techniques work best for helping people cope with their problems. You might even decide that going through this process together would be beneficial for both individuals involved as well as for health!
Finding the right therapist is important
When you’re trying to decide on a good therapist, it’s important to consider what your mental health care needs are and who will be able to meet them and provide progress. If you need someone who is going to help you with anxiety, mental health and depression, for example, then consider someone who specializes in those mental health conditions is going to be critical for your success.
Another thing that many people don’t consider when looking for therapists or mental health professionals is whether or not they have insurance coverage. If they do not have insurance coverage or if their insurance plan does not cover the type of mental health treatment they need, such as seeing a psychologist instead of a psychiatrist, then finding out how much the treatment costs upfront can help them decide if it is worth the trouble or not.
Finding the right and good therapist is an important step in the process of healing. If you feel lost or confused about how to begin, don’t worry! The more information you have about what’s available and what questions to ask, the easier it will be to find someone who can really help.
People we help | Perlman Wellness by Perlman Clinic
“Through therapy and a lot of thinking and writing my memoirs, I’ve been able to use my life as a lesson.” – Jane Fonda
Perlman Wellness provides therapy for people struggling with addiction.
When you’re going through addiction and you can’t seem to get your mind off of it, it can feel like there’s no one who understands what you’re going through. But there are people who do understand—people who have gone through the same thing, and who know what it feels like to be in your shoes.
That’s why Perlman Wellness exists: to help connect addicts facing similar issues and support each other in a therapy community where they can share their experiences, learn from each other, and build on their new own personal journeys toward mental health recovery.
Perlman Wellness provides a good safe space for people struggling with addiction to come together and share their stories, talk about what’s going on in their lives right now and today, and get advice from others who are also going through similar mental health situations. We believe that when we work together as a community, we can make real treatment of therapy happen for those suffering from addiction—and for those who love them!
ADHD or Attention Issues
Perlman Wellness provides therapy for people struggling with ADHD or Attention Issues.
We know that you’re out there—the people who struggle to focus, the ones who can’t seem to keep track of their keys, the ones who are always late because they can never find their car in the parking lot. If you’ve ever wondered if you have attention issues, or if you’re just really bad at remembering things, we know you’ll view our new online therapy services as helpful.
At Perlman Wellness, we specialize in helping people with ADHD and other attention issues. We know how frustrating it can be to feel like you’re missing something important because your mind is constantly wandering from task to task. That’s why we’ve created an online therapy service for managing these kinds of problems: from diagnosing and treating the underlying condition, to providing tools for improving focus, memory, and organizational skills for good mental health.
Our team of therapists will walk you through every step of your therapy—from diagnosis through recovery—and make sure that everything is tailored specifically for your needs as an individual for your good health.
Anger Management
We all have our bad days. But what if you had a bad day every day?
If anger management is a problem that affects you and your health, Perlman Wellness can help. We’re a team of professionals who specialize in giving therapy to people with anger management issues—we know all the tricks and techniques, and we’ll show you how to use them to manage your own stress and anger.
We’ll help you learn how to identify when anger is about to flare up, and how to calm yourself down before it gets out of control. You’ll learn how to communicate effectively so that instead of just blowing up at someone over something trivial, you can address the issue in a way that’s respectful and effective.
You’ll also learn how to change your habits for the better: instead of letting anger get the best of you, we’ll show you how to take care of yourself during stressful situations so that things don’t get so heated in the first place! It’s not easy work—but with Perlman Wellness on your side, we promise it will be worth it!
Anxiety or Panic Attacks
We’re here to help you.
If you’ve ever felt like your anxiety or panic attacks are too much to handle, we get it. And we’re here to help with our therapy. We know that feeling of being stuck in a loop of worry, fear, and panic—the thought that your mind is playing tricks on you and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s scary, and it can feel hopeless.
That’s why we created Perlman Wellness: because we know how hard it is to get back on track after the exhaustion of anxiety leaves you feeling like there’s no way out. We’ve been there ourselves—and we want to help others who are struggling to find their way back into a life they love without feeling afraid all the time.
Our mission is simple: To help people who are struggling with anxiety or panic attacks find their way back into a life they love without feeling afraid all the time through therapy.
Career/School Issues
Perlman Wellness is a mental health clinic that helps people struggling with career and school issues. We believe that you’re never too young or old to be your best self, and we’re here to help you get there!
We know how hard it can be to stay motivated in the face of exams, deadlines, and looming deadlines. And we also know that everyone deserves the opportunity to be their best selves—not just those who have the support of their schools and families. That’s why we offer individualized online therapy services tailored to each client’s needs so that they can succeed at whatever they need or want to achieve.
We’re not here to judge or tell you what’s wrong with you; we’re here because we believe that everyone deserves a chance at happiness and success, no matter what kind of roadblocks life might throw their way.
Chronic Pain/Health
When you’re dealing with chronic pain, it can feel like you’re constantly being asked to be quiet and still. But what if you could challenge your body in a way that challenged your mind as well?
Perlman Wellness is a therapy company that helps people struggling with chronic pain find ways to challenge their bodies and minds through outdoor adventure. We believe that there are many kinds of movement that can help you get back on track with your health. Whether you want to hike up a mountain or climb into the cockpit of a plane, we’ll help you find an activity that works for your body and mind.
Our team of therapists will work with you to create a therapy plan that’s right for you—and we’ll even teach you how to do it yourself when we’re not around!
Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people each year. It’s something that most people don’t understand, and it can be hard to explain what depression feels like to someone who doesn’t have it.
But one thing we do know is that it starts with feeling sad, hopeless, or empty. You might feel like you don’t have anything to look forward to, or that you don’t deserve the things that other people have. Those feelings can make it hard to work or go about your daily life in any kind of normal way—and if you feel this way for more than two weeks, then you should definitely talk to a therapist about it!
One of those people might be your doctor, who can help determine whether or not you are suffering from depression and what kind of treatment options are available for you. Another option? Perlman Wellness! We provide therapy programs specifically designed to help people struggling with depression get back on their feet again—and fast!
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are devastating, and they affect people from all walks of life and health. They are not a disease that only affects women; they can be found in men and children as well. It is important for everyone to understand how eating disorders affect each person differently. Everyone should understand how these diseases can be treated in order to help those struggling with them.
At Perlman Wellness, we provide therapy for individuals struggling with eating disorders. We treat anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and other related conditions such as body dysmorphia or orthorexia. We offer individualized therapy plans based on your needs and goals so you can start feeling better about yourself quickly and your health!
When you’re grieving, it’s easy to feel like you’re alone.
But you’re not.
At Perlman Wellness, we know that grief is a universal experience and one that can be incredibly isolating. It is true especially when your closest friends and family members don’t know how to support you.
That’s why we started this company. We believe that everyone deserves access to the therapy they need to heal after the loss of a loved one. And no matter what kind of loss you’ve experienced, we can help you get there.
Our online therapy services are designed specifically with each type of loss in mind: whether it’s a death, divorce, or job loss; whether it happened recently or years ago; whether it was expected or unexpected—we have something for everyone. We offer everything from counseling sessions with our certified grief counselors, to support groups for those who may be struggling with more than one type of loss at once.
Marriage/Couples Counseling
When you’re struggling with your marriage, it can feel like the end of the world. You don’t want to believe that your relationship is over. But you also know that if things don’t change, it will be.
You might be wondering: how do I get my spouse to see how they’re hurting me? How do I get them to understand that what they say or do is making me feel terrible? How do I make them stop doing the things that are hurting us?
The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all therapy solution when it comes to marriage counseling. There are so many factors at play. The way we were raised, what we believe about love and relationships, and our individual strengths and weaknesses as people. There’s no way to predict what therapy will work for any given couple. But what we can do we offer online couples therapy which will help you navigate your unique situation in a way that feels safe and supportive. That’s whyPerlman Wellness offers Marriage/Couples Counseling therapy services. It is because sometimes the best thing for your marriage isn’t a cookie-cutter approach. It’s a therapist who understands where you’re coming from and what your needs are, and can help guide you toward good mental health and a healthier future together.
Perlman Wellness is a company that helps people with therapy who are struggling with parenting. We believe that you are the best parent for your children. But sometimes it can be hard to see that, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. That’s why we created Perlman Wellness. We want to help you feel like the amazing parent you are. If you feel that way, you can enjoy your kids and have fun with them!
We offer a variety of online therapy classes and workshops for parents of all ages. Our workshops cover everything from how to get your kids to eat their vegetables to how to talk to them about sex. We also offer everything in between! We also offer individual therapy sessions. In these sessions, one of our licensed therapists will meet with you privately. Then, you will talk about whatever issue is holding you back from being the parent you want to be.
We know what it’s like being a parent: It’s hard work! But we also know how rewarding it can be when we get it right and how much joy comes from creating good relationships with our children. We hope that Perlman Wellness will help make those relationships even better!
Pregnancy is a tough time, and it can be even harder when you’re having a hard time.
We’re here to help! Perlman Wellness is a company dedicated to helping people who are struggling with pregnancy or postpartum health. We offer informational resources, an online community, and one-on-one counseling for people who need more support and therapy than they can find elsewhere.
At Perlman Wellness, we know that pregnancy isn’t always easy—and sometimes, it can be downright scary or frightening. We want to make sure that every woman who needs our help gets it. That’s why we’ve made our services affordable and accessible for all types of people, including those in rural areas who may not have access to other resources like ours.
Our goal is simple: We want to help you get through your pregnancy safely and with as much comfort as possible, so that you can focus on what matters most—your baby!
Sex and Sexuality
Perlman Wellness is a company that helps people struggling with sex and sexuality.
We believe that sex, sexuality, and sexual expression are part of life, but not all of it. Our therapists work to provide you with the treatment you need to be able to enjoy sex without feeling ashamed or guilty about it.
Sex can be a wonderful thing when it’s done with someone you love and trust. But sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with yourself when it comes to sex. That’s why we’re here. To help you figure out how to make the most of your sexual experiences. We do so to make you feel confident in your own skin.
At Perlman Wellness, we want everyone who comes through our doors to feel safe and comfortable asking questions about their bodies, their feelings, and their desires without fear of judgment or stigma from anyone else around them. We also want everyone who comes through our doors to leave knowing they have people on their side who care about them and want them to live a happy life full of joy!
Are you struggling with insomnia? Do you find yourself falling asleep in the middle of the day? Or waking up in the middle of the night, and wondering how to fix it?
We know how frustrating it can be to wake up tired and groggy, feeling like you haven’t slept at all. That’s why we created, a resource for people who are looking for help with sleep problems.
Our therapists specialize in helping people understand what’s going on when they’re not sleeping well. Then, we provide them with tools to get their sleep back on track. Our team consists of therapists from every field related to sleep: psychology, nutrition, exercise physiology, and more. No matter where your discomfort is stemming from—whether it’s stress or depression or an underlying medical condition. We have answers for you!
Trauma or Abuse
Trauma and abuse are two of the most difficult things to deal with in life. They can take the joy and fulfillment out of your days. They can even make it difficult to get through the day.
But there’s help. Perlman Wellness is a service that provides a safe space for people who are struggling with trauma or abuse. We offer counseling services and community support groups. We do this so that you can get back on your feet and feel confident again.
Mental Health Therapy Services at Perlman Wellness
“I’ve never found therapy to be a sign of weakness; I’ve found the opposite to be true. The willingness to have a mirror held up to you requires strength.” – Brooke Shields
There are many different types of therapy, and we provide a variety at Perlman Wellness. Here are some of the therapy types you might encounter when you come in for your first appointment:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a type of therapy that focuses on changing patterns in thoughts and behaviors. It also addresses how they affect your emotions. Therapists commonly use CBT to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
DBT was developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan MD as a treatment for people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Therapists teach coping skills in order to help patients manage their emotions and behaviors.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy. It focuses on how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors interact with each other. It’s different from many other forms of therapy. It helps you identify what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it. ACT can help you change your patterns of thinking and behaving. This leads to a more positive outlook on life overall.
Perlman Wellness | Therapy San Diego
At Perlman Wellness, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality mental health care. We also believe that everyone should be able to find their own strengths within themselves. Whether they’re at home or on the go—so we’re here to support you in doing just that.